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My name is Salmha Azimy and I am the counselor here at Whittier Elementary. My goal as Whittier’s School Counselor is to promote the well-being of students, their families, and the community.  I am delighted to be a part of Whittier’s school community and look forward to working with and getting to know all of the wonderful students, parents, and staff who are working together in creating a positive and supportive school climate!

The mission of Whittier Elementary's Counseling Program is to provide all students with a comprehensive counseling program. This program is centered around an engaging curriculum that encourages the highest level of student achievement through their growth in 3 primary areas: academic, personal/social, and career. The school counselor, in partnership with teachers, administrators, parents, and a caring community, will help all students to be successful lifelong learners and problem solvers.


Students often disclose private and confidential information to school counselors. The practice of confidentiality ensures that school counselors will not share the non-safety related disclosures of students with others without their permission. When safety concerns are reported by students, school counselors must involve others to keep students safe. This includes:

  • Someone is hurting the student

  • The student wants to hurt someone

  • The student wants to hurt themselves

Support Services

Whittier School counselors deliver an ASCA aligned comprehensive school counseling program to all students. Some of the services we provide include the following:

  • Classroom guidance lessons

  • Brief solution-focused individual counseling

  • Group counseling

  • Crisis intervention

  • Career exploration and awareness

  • Interpersonal relationship support

  • Restorative mediation and conflict resolution

  • Bully prevention

  • Referrals to outside agencies

  • Parent/Guardian support via collaboration and conferences

  • Student focused staff collaboration for student success

Contact Us

Salmha Azimy, Counselor
Contact Salmha

Lily Dorato, Social Worker
Contact Lily



If you are in need of more intensive support than a school counselor check-in, please call the NM Crisis & Access Line at 1-855-662-7474 for support. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Text Crisis Line

Grief Center

CYFD Text Line Reach NM
(505) 591-9444

  1. Zones of Regulation (PDF)
  2. Las Zonas de Regulacion (PDF)
  3. Tools (Strategies) to Regulate Feelings (DOCX)