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Principal's Message

Hello, Whittier Families!

Our school is dedicated to the idea that our children deserve rigorous educational experiences that prepare them for life beyond the schoolhouse doors. This means that we view ourselves as a preparatory school that educates students for college, military, or trade school entrance after high school. To this end, we provide the following.

  • Challenging academic experiences for all students in math and language arts.
  • Wraparound services through a Community Schools model to support families in bringing children to school every day.
  • Enrichment activities, through our Genius Hour, to ensure that education is relevant and engaging.

We are thrilled to have you on board for our journey and would like to share with you some ways that you can support your child in his/her learning. These include:

  • Ensure your child is on time and in attendance at school every single day.
  • Communicate directly with teachers about classroom concerns and build partnerships to help our staff better understand your child’s needs.
  • Talk to your child every day about their school experiences. We ask that you do this to keep up to date on their learning, but also to develop their language skills and emphasize your support of their education.
  • Read with your child as much as you can, give them chances to count objects and make change in your home activities, assig them chores and guide them in completing tasks, and have them write shopping lists, notes to relatives, and stories. Be creative in what you do, and please understand that these experiences build their academic skills in a practical and valuable way.

Thank you for visiting our website. We are always thrilled to have you visit in person, as well. As a principal, I maintain an open-door policy, so appointments are not necessary. Our staff appreciates all of the support you give your child to contribute to their success in school. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make their school days even brighter!